Walden Statement on D.C. Circuit Net Neutrality Ruling


Date: Oct. 1, 2019
Location: Washington D.C.

Energy and Commerce Committee Republican Leader Greg Walden (R-OR) released the following statement on the net neutrality ruling from the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals:

"Today's opinion makes it clearer than ever that Congress needs to come together and craft bipartisan legislation to provide consumers certainty and preserve one national standard for the open, free, and dynamic internet of the future. While we are pleased that the D.C. Circuit upheld the successful light-touch regulations and transparency rule, the continued uncertainty from legal pinball will only worsen consumers' experiences on the internet. We are disappointed with the Court further confusing the role of the states in setting the rules of the road. A patchwork of state regulations will hamper innovation, creating confusion and compliance nightmares.

"Republicans remain committed to working on a serious, bipartisan approach to creating a national standard; a permanent, statutory framework. We stand ready, with a bipartisan menu of options; this is a logical starting point to that conversation. We hope Speaker Pelosi will heed the calls of 47 Members of her caucus who said it best: "we believe a bipartisan working group will allow us to work together to enact strong, enforceable protections that will ensure a truly free and open internet for all.'"
